Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lung Cancer - What It Is And How To Replace

First, let us know about lung cancer-and the compensation procedure. When asbestos fibers are entered through the nose or mouth by making your way out of the lungs can produce damage to them. These asbestos fibers can cause pain in the lungs and create scar tissue and coagulation in the lungs. This is the main cause, which can cause respiratory diseases and even cancer. These respiratory diseases create a risk in life that can cause death as lung cancer. Individuals or patients with lung cancer, damages actions.

There are some sites that can help you learn more about compensation. They can help you with some new ideas and also help you decide on claims. The compensation procedure has several steps. If you need help with claims, you can get professional help.

The first stage of the claim for lung cancer is the legal responsibility. In this, you must specify the person or company who is really responsible for causing the disease. The full report will be taken from the patient's disease and controls in the works for further contacts. In extreme circumstances, you may also require evidence advanced techniques. The difficult task in this is to find the exact person who is responsible for the situation.

The second phase of the settlement of lung cancer is likely to win if you filed the claim. Note that if the persons or company is actually responsible for the grave condition of the patient or not. All reports are collected from the patient, including analysis reports and reports of the x-ray. Then a report is made legal fitness and disease area is committed to handling the case methodically.

The final phase of your application for replacement of the examination of the lung is correct and complete patient and sources of demand. The lawyer that you have committed for trial will study and observe the information that can meet your needs. He will discover the economic losses that occurred before and is happening right now. And if you are not able to get money, then the case will be fought in court by the lawyer that you have committed to the case.

What Is Lung Cancer - Incidence, Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Prognosis And Treatment

Lung cancer can also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases could have been avoided, 87% of cases are caused by smoking. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in men and since 1987 has also become the most common cause of cancer death in women. It is the second most common cancer in most Western countries, although the incidence of lung cancer is less common in developing countries, the rapid rise in popularity of snuff consumption is the number of patients these countries rapidly catching up with the Western world.

Lung cancer can occur in any part of the lung, and 90% -95% and lung epithelial cells is believed to occur, or cells of the lining of the small and large Airways (bronchi and bronchioles), for this reason, lung cancers are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinomas or bronchogenic cancer.

The most common types are squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and small cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma.

Most experts say that lung cancer due to inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants in a susceptible host. Who is more sensitive? Every smoker is more than 40 years, especially if they start smoking before the age of 15, smoked 20 or 20 more years, or worked with or near asbestos. Two other factors also increase susceptibility: exposure to carcinogenic industrial and air pollutants (asbestos, uranium, arsenic, nickel, iron oxides, chromium, radioactive dust, and coal dust.) And the familial predisposition.


Since the early lung cancer usually produces no symptoms, the disease is often advanced at diagnosis. Late stage signs are: squamous cell carcinoma with little pain and smoker cough, hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, hemoptysis, and chest. With adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma, fever, weakness, weight loss, anorexia and pain in the shoulder. In addition, production of the hormone that regulates many body functions can also be affected.


Firm diagnosis requires chest x-ray, sputum cytology, CT, bronchoscopy examination of pleural fluid and biopsies. Other tests to detect metastasis include bone scans, bone marrow biopsy and computed tomography of the brain and stomach.


The disease most often spreads to the liver, adrenal glands, bones and brain. The cancer that has metastasized to the bone causes bone pain, usually the spine (vertebrae), hip and ribs. Cancer that spreads to the brain can cause impaired vision and weakness on one side of the body.

Cancer can grow into certain nerves in the neck, causing a droopy eyelid, pupil, sunken eyes, and decreased sweating on one side of the face, all these symptoms called Horner's syndrome (see System autonomic: Horner's syndrome). It can grow directly into the esophagus, or it can grow with her and put pressure on it, leading to difficulty swallowing. It can also be spread by blood to the liver, brain, adrenal gland, spinal cord and bone.


Treatment depends on the specific cancer cell type, how it spreads, and the state of patient outcomes. If investigations confirm lung cancer, positron emission computed tomography and frequency tomography (PET) are used to determine if the disease is localized and amenable to surgery or if it has spread to the point where it can not cured with surgery. Treatment is usually a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Surgery is usually the first option. Chemotherapy can be used as primary therapy or as adjunctive therapy after surgery. Radiation therapy can be directed to the tumor from outside the body (external radiation) or can be put in needles, seeds or catheters, and placed the body near the tumor (brachytherapy). Radiation therapy may be used alone or in combination with other treatments for lung cancer. Radiation therapy can also be used to reduce the side effects of lung cancer.

The treatment can be effective in patients with bone metastases from lung cancer or liver disease, excessive weight loss, persistent use of cigarettes, or pre-existing conditions such as heart and lung disease. At some point, if you and your oncologist or primary care physician believes that treatment is no longer advisable, hospice care can provide comfort.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lung Cancer - Symptoms And Treatments

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells. Lung cancer occurs when it is an uncontrolled growth of cells begins in one or both lungs. The lungs are two spongy organs within the chest cavity larger. The air blowing into the trachea and moves down two tubes called bronchi, each going to the lungs. Lung cancer occurs most often in adults between the ages of 40 and 70, who smoked cigarettes for at least 20 years.

More than 1,400 Victorians are diagnosed every year. Only about 2% of patients were diagnosed with lung cancer has spread to other areas of the body are alive five years after diagnosis, although survival rates are diagnosed at an early stage are greater than about 49% survive five years or more.

There are several types of lung cancer, depending on the cells are affected. There are two types:

First small cell carcinoma

About 15 percent are small cell carcinomas. This type of cancer spreads early and shows few early symptoms.

2. Non-small cell carcinoma

These cancers affect the cells lining the bronchi large.

Some lung cancers are metastatic cancers in other parts of the body. The lungs are a common place for metastatic disease. Since lung cancer tends to spread, or metastasize very early in its course, it is very life-threatening cancer and one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Although lung cancer can spread to any organ of the body.

Symptoms vary depending on where and how the tumor is widespread. Warning signs of lung cancer are not always present or easy to identify. The symptoms of lung cancer can take years to appear, usually after the disease is advanced.

Below the following symptoms of lung cancer include:

1. Chest pain or shoulder back a cough

2. A cough that does not go away or gets worse over time

3. Difficulty breathing and swallowing

4th recurring pneumonia or chest infections

5. Wheezing or hoarseness may signal blockage

6. Unexplained weight loss

Lung cancer is classified into several stages according to its spread. This helps doctors decide on appropriate treatments. The treatments also depend on the cancer type, age, health status and other personal characteristics. Since there is usually no treatment for cancer, patients often receive a combination of therapies and palliative care. More than one type of therapy can be prescribed.

Although diagnostic methods have contributed important cells from cancer information and look under a microscope is the only absolute way to diagnose lung cancer. This procedure is called a biopsy. If the biopsy confirms cancer, a pathologist to determine if it is non-small cell or small cell.

Small cell lung cancer has two phases, which are:

1. In the short time available in a lung tumor and nearby lymph nodes.

In the second phase of extensive tumor has infected the other lung and other organs in the body.

Non-small cell lung cancer, these steps are marked I to IV. Small numbers indicate an earlier stage where the cancer has spread to the less:

1. Phase I is when the cancer is found only in one lung and lymph nodes.

2. Phase II is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes around the infected lungs.

3. Stage III is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes around the trachea, chest wall and diaphragm on the same side as the infected lung.

4. Stage IV when cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the other lung or neck.

5. Stage IV when cancer has spread throughout the body and other parts of the lungs.

As with most cancers, the best results are if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. However, some lung cancers are not diagnosed until they are quite advanced. The treatment may be limited to relieving symptoms. Treatment decisions depend on the SCLC and NSCLC. Treatment options include:

First Chemotherapy is a cancer drug is given to stop cancer cells from multiplying. This treatment is most effective for small cell carcinoma.

2. Surgery to remove the affected lung, or an entire lung. This offers the best chance of cure if the cancer has not spread beyond the lungs.

3rd radiotherapy using X-rays to target and kill cancer cells. It can be used in some early stage lung cancer and stop the cancer in the lymph nodes from spreading further.

4. Targeted therapy is the use of small molecules, often in the form of tablets, which can be used after chemotherapy.

5th Clinical trials are participating in a clinical trial of the safety and efficacy of new drugs can offer.

Cancers that are closely linked to certain forms of behavior are the easiest to prevent. If you are a current tobacco user, can not cope with even significantly reduce your chances of getting cancer. The most important preventive measure you can do is to stop smoking. Many products such as nicotine gum, nicotine spray, nicotine inhaler has been used successfully to help people trying to quit smoking.

There are frequent causes of lung cancer:

A first person who smokes more than a pack of cigarettes a day are at risk from 20 to 25 times greater than someone who has never smoked.

2. Cigar and pipe smoking increases the risk of developing lung cancer, but not as much as smoking.

3rd Asbestos fibers are silicate fibers that can last a lifetime in the lung tissue after exposure to asbestos. The work is a common source of exposure to asbestos fibers.

4. Radon is a chemically inert gas natural, which is a natural decay product of uranium. When it is estimated that 12% of deaths due to radon.

5. Air pollution from vehicles, industry and power plants can increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer in people exposed

Screening techniques are designed to find cancer at an early stage so that the majority of treatment options are available. This cancer is detected after the latter stages of the disease that have spread and are more difficult to treat. Potential screening tests for lung cancer include analysis of sputum cells, fiber-optic examination of bronchial share of low-dose spiral CT.

Treatments for cancer and cancer can make a person feel too tired to exercise. However, studies show that exercise can increase energy levels, is a person who has cancer.

Regular exercise improves the functioning of the immune system and can increase survival rates in some cases. The five goal 20 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week. But do not use without medical information and support because inappropriate exercise may be harmful.

The Symptoms Of Lung Cancer And Treatment

Most people with lung cancer often experience no symptoms when diagnosed at an early stage of the disease. Often involuntary X-ray reveals the presence of cancer cells. The promotion of cancer and the presence of a tumor usually causes symptoms of lung cancer. Hormones involved and the effects of cancer to other parts of the body may also improve symptoms.

People should be aware of the symptoms of lung cancer and treatment for better prognosis.

Mainly cough, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), chest pain and breathing difficulties are the most common indicator of lung cancer.

The general indicators of this cancer are:

• A cough that does not go far

• Changes have been coughing for a long time

• Being out of breath

• Cough and phlegm with blood traces

• Pain when breathing or coughing

• Loss of appetite

• Fatigue

• Weight Loss

Cancer cells produce hormones and deliver them into the bloodstream. Other signs of lung cancer, there may be hormone related, are:

• Tingling or numbness in the fingers or toes

• Muscle weakness

• Drowsiness, weakness, dizziness or confusion

• breast enlargement in men

Friday, August 26, 2011

Primary Peritoneal Cancer - Why Every Woman Should Know About This Disease Or Sales

Primary peritoneal cancer is a rare form of cancer (also known as peritoneal adenocarcinoma) that originates in the peritoneum, a thin sheet of fine lines inside the abdomen and covers the uterus and stretching of the bladder and rectum. The peritoneum is made up of epithelial cells. By producing a lubricating fluid, peritoneum, helps the body to move smoothly into the pelvic cavity. Primary peritoneal cancer looks and behaves like ovarian cancer, but the ovaries are not involved. Women who develop symptoms of ovarian cancer, unfortunately, will probably end up with primary peritoneal cancer.

Ovarian cancer is a disease in which malignant cells are found in the ovary. There are three types of ovarian tumors: epithelial cells, germ cells and stromal cells. The cause of ovarian cancer is unknown, but there are certain risk factors that indicate a greater likelihood of a woman in the metastasis of ovarian cancer. A risk factor is something that can increase the chances of a person developing a disease. The following have been suggested as risk factors for ovarian cancer:

* At the beginning of the menstrual cycle - since an early age usually before age 12

* Late after menopause (52 years)

* Hormone replacement therapy

* Infertility (inability to get pregnant)

* Having a first child after age 30

* Personal history of breast cancer or colon cancer

* Family history of ovarian cancer

* Some fertility drugs

* Exposure to asbestos to develop mesothelioma, a cancer that affects the abdominal cavity.

The diagnosis of primary peritoneal cancer consists of the following different tests:

* Pelvic Exam

* Ultrasound

* Determination of the IC-125 (blood test to measure levels of CA-125. CA-125 is a protein known as tumor marker that is often found in higher concentrations in the blood of women with ovarian cancer, cancer of the peritoneum or )

* Computed Tomography (CT)

* Barium enema or low glycemic index (a series of x-ray of the colon and rectum. The photographs were taken after the patient receives an enema with a white, chalky solution containing barium, colon and rectum on the shelves X , so that tumors or other abnormal areas easier to see and detect)

Biopsy *

Primary peritoneal cancer treatment depends on several factors including: the stage of cancer, the extent of, and the health of patients in general. The treatment is a combination of the following, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, supportive care (which is directed towards the symptoms, including pain relief, weight loss and fluid in the abdomen, which can be removed in a procedure called abdominal paracentesis)

Finally, we have preventive measures proposed by the doctors include a healthy diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and low in saturated fat), oral contraceptives, pregnancy and lactation, and finally, if the person has a some symptoms of ovarian cancer with the removal of the ovaries. Also studies have shown that certain genes are responsible for the increased risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. A routine gynecological cancer can prevent or diagnose at an early stage the presence of tumors. Your physician will ultimately decide which treatments to help fight for primary cancer of the peritoneum.